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Grandpa Diaries banner

Friday, 17 August 2012

Target hit! Target hit!

Yesterday, 7 days remaining on the campaign clock, the magic happened. BOOM -- we hit the crucial target for our project's funding! Which means... we get the funding! WE GET THE FUNDING! You people are awesome! Thanks so much for supporting our project! We're holding off full celebrations until the campaign has come to a full stop, but for now, know that we're crazy happy with this and with you!

There are now 6 days left on the clock, and it turns out that we're already 1/4 of the way towards achieving the $2500 we need to hit our NEXT goal! THIS PROJECT IS STILL SEARING HOT! So yes, all lines are still open to help fund the project and help us hit our stretch goals. If you've been thinking about throwing in some lovin', we will be happy and also covered in lovin'. The more funds we get, the more content and polish the game will have, and the better THE WHOLE WORLD will be all round. You can pledge here!

So that's where we're at. If this were Toy Story, we'd be Buzz and Woody, clinging to the little car, after having lit our rocket. We're soaring, we're happy, we're a bit terrified... and we're overshooting the removal truck where we were originally headed... "We missed the truck!" screams Woody. "We're not aiming for the truck," replies Buzz, eyes on the sweet sweet sunroof ahead. 


(these folks are helping make our game a reality!)

TRENT kusters BIG rick MARK serrels DEREK proud TROY mitchell JENN sandercock PAUL callaghan GERRI mills MEREDITH tucker-evans NATHAN thomas SIMON bachelier TYSHAN carey PETER wayne JOYCE hwang JORDI fine DEAN natov BEN britten CLINTON shepherd LAURA van dyk SHU SHU zheng DREW taylor ROB caporetto GISELLE rosman ANDI spark ERIC hemal akmeemana ROBERT gallo DAVID woodman MICHELLE van dyk CHRISTOPHER hawkins ELROY el BEN mckenzie SARAH jansen MICHAEL davies NEIL fillingham ANDREA fillingham DOROTHY duturbure MATT curtis BRENDAN bottomley HELEN stuckey JOSHUA mapleston AARON dunton ALEX hutchinson JAMES filippone STEVE fillingham GERALD poon AMANDA kool JEFF brasket TIM rogers STEVE spangaro BRAD giblin DEREK elliot GOATi outsourcing BROOKE hodgman JEREMY kool STEVE duda FRED milgrom NICK grodzicki RUSSELL dilley CHEN-PO sun ANON ymous DANIELA palstra GREG palstra ENTER audio ANTHONY hayes DANNY mcgillick CRISPY brown NATALYA pemberton DENNIS mills ALSO anonymous BLAKE mizzi STU campbell BARKUS francis

To hang with the cool kids, you can pledge here!: Pozible Tasty Tasty Grandpa!

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