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Friday, 25 May 2012

Strange Dreams and Cold Beer

The last thing you guys want to hear is how there’s nothing concrete to show this week, and how our tasks are moving along, but are moving along a bit slowly. So let’s talk about something else! 

When I’m not laying awake and worrying about this game and turning into a full-time insomniac (not the wonderful games company), I’m dreaming that we're stuck in a blizzard (not the wonderful games company), with snow whipping through cold air, lashing our faces, trying to get through to safety, but not knowing where it is. Or I dream of the team being in a house, and we’re not getting a lot of work done, as there are bugs all over the walls and we have to deal with those. As you can tell, my subconscious mind is not hard to work out. Developing this game is often great, but sometimes does not make me feel fine, let alone double fine productions incorporated south of market district san francisco (no relation).

I did get together with Stu this week, which was GREAT, and we worked over some of the issues I was having with my prototype tweaks. This is us, in a pub, working (not pictured: 500 nearby bulldog-type people wearing rugby shirts, who had flown to Melbourne for a rugby game between Brisbane and Sydney and were desperately trying to get hammered before heading off to the game. Why come here? We’ve got nothing to do with it!) 

Stu solves problems with a pint of 'problem-solving juice'

One thing DID happen this week, and that’s us deciding that there is too much coding to be done in too limited a time for Stu to handle on his own. So we’re going to call in another programmer to help out, oh yes! We need someone with time in their schedule, Unity in their head, and hope in their heart. We’ve sent our four fastest ships, one in each direction, to deliver our message. It’s a big ask, but we hope it’s all worth the asking. When the ships return, we’ll let you know what they bring. Until next week, maintain your noticeably high levels of tastiness!